Basics, Hazards, and TeamworkEP1 - Basics, Hazards, and Teamwork
Emergency Planning Module One 
(2.75 hours) - NAB (NHA/RCAL); MI AFC; PA DPW

Single User Price:$25.00
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Product Detailed Description
Audience: Owners, operators, and staff of long-term care facilities
  • NAB Approval – #20170624-2.75-AYBP-DL for 2.75 clock hours for Skilled Nursing and Assisted Living Administrators.
  • Michigan– Approved by the Division of Adult Foster Care Licensing, DHS, for licensee/administrator yearly continuing education. Click here for details on specific requirements.
  • Pennsylvania– Approved by PA DPW for Personal Care Home Administrators. Also approved for NHAs.
  • All other states – Check your licensing regulations for your specific requirements. In most states, our courses satisfy administrator/staff continuing education requirements.

Introduction: This training program is part of a five module series that takes you step by step through the development of an emergency operations plan. It includes video interviews where staff who experienced real disasters talk about lessons learned.
Objectives: At the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify the benefits of planning for a disaster or other emergency;
  • Identify organizations and individuals in the community who can help you develop your emergency operations plan;
  • List the steps to developing an emergency operations plan;
  • Describe the all-hazard planning concept;
  • Describe the main components of an emergency operations plan (EOP);
  • Define hazard vulnerability analysis (HVA);
  • Identify who should complete and review an HVA;
  • Identify how and when to complete an HVA
  • Describe how to use the HVA results;
  • Develop areas of responsibility for emergency response and assign positions to an Incident Management Team;
  • Describe the Incident Command System (ICS);
  • Identify how your facility can benefit from using the Incident Command System;
  • Identify a location for the facility command center.

Course Topics: In this program, you will learn about:
  • Emergency Planning Basics
  • Identifying Hazards and Vulnerabilities
  • Establishing an Incident Management Team

Course Authors: This course was written by Susan S. Harrington, MS, PE as part of a research grant funded by the National Institute on Aging. The curriculum was developed by an interdisciplinary team of experts including: Joseph Barbera, M.D., Co-Director of the George Washington University Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management; Bruce Binder, MPH, CEM, CBCP, Emergency management/Disaster planning consultant; Claire Cole, MA, Nurse educator; Nick Mason, MS, Licensed LTC Administrator, and Ann Meador, MA, Co-chair of the Southeast Texas Hurricane Task Force. The CBT program was developed by Harrington Software Associates, Inc, and funded by grant NIA 2R44AG029692, Preparing Long-Term Care Facilities for Natural and Man-Made Disasters.

NAB Approval Information: This educational offering has been reviewed by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and approved for 2.75 clock hours.

The Long-Term Care Learning Center is a Certified Sponsor of professional continuing education with the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and has approved this program for the number of clock hours listed under their sponsor agreement with NAB/NCERS. State licensure boards, however, have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses.

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