Audience: Owners and operators of skilled nursing facilities
Approvals/Accreditation: - NAB Approval – #03102013-1.50-12037-DL for 1.5 clock hours for Skilled Nursing Administrators.
- All other states – Check your licensing regulations for your specific requirements. In most states, our courses satisfy administrator/staff continuing education requirements.
Introduction: You have probably heard the terms “culture change” and “person-centered care”, but do you really know what they mean? Do you understand how these concepts can really be applied in a long-term care environment? Over the past 14 years the long term care industry has seen the culture change movement grow in the United States. As an administrator or manager for a long-term care community, it’s important for you to understand the concepts behind culture change and how they can be applied to help you improve the care and quality of life at your community.
The purpose of this training is to help you understand culture change and how the concepts are beneficial in a long-term care environment.
Objectives: At the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define culture change and person-centered care;
- Describe the history of the culture change movement in long-term care;
- Describe several models for person-centered care;
- Describe the process for creating culture change; and
- Identify further resources for starting a culture change journey;
Course Topics: In this program, you will learn about: - Overview of Culture Change
- Person-Centered Care Models
- Creating Culture Change
- Further Resources
Course Authors: This course was written by Bettie J. Farrar, MS and Susan S. Harrington, MS with contributions from Claire C. Cole, MA.
NAB Approval Information: This educational offering has been reviewed by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and approved for 1.5 clock hours.
The Long-Term Care Learning Center is a Certified Sponsor of professional continuing education with the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) and has approved this program for the number of clock hours listed under their sponsor agreement with NAB/NCERS. State licensure boards, however, have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses. |